Steve from GamersNexus explains you the mistakes to avoid while assembling your water cooling AIO in your PC case.
The featured video is independently produced by GamersNexus, ARCTIC has been authorized to use by GamersNexus.
* Some mechanical interference with surrounding components may appear. The fan will not be controllable by PWM.
** Pokud váš Liquid Freezer II není dodáván se sadou pro upgrade LGA 1700, kontaktujte nás prosím prostřednictvím kontaktního formuláře nechte si zaslat sadu pro upgrade. Klepnutím přejděte k instalaci.
Steve from GamersNexus explains you the mistakes to avoid while assembling your water cooling AIO in your PC case.
The featured video is independently produced by GamersNexus, ARCTIC has been authorized to use by GamersNexus.
* Some mechanical interference with surrounding components may appear. The fan will not be controllable by PWM.
Steve from GamersNexus explains you the mistakes to avoid while assembling your water cooling AIO in your PC case.
The featured video is independently produced by GamersNexus, ARCTIC has been authorized to use by GamersNexus.
* Some mechanical interference with surrounding components may appear. The fan will not be controllable by PWM.
Aby váš chladič fungoval co nejlépe, doporučujeme upravit regulaci otáček ventilátoru v systému BIOS, postupujte podle této příručky a upravte PWM.