Some motherboards are equipped with components and heatsink that may interfere with the mounting module of Freezer 7X CO. Please verify the compatibility in the lists below.
Incompatible Motherboard? We have a solution for you. Contact us
Cooler Orientation
* Some mechanical interference with surrounding components may appear. The fan will not be controllable by PWM.
To get the best out of your cooler, it is recommended to adjust the fan speed control in the BIOS, follow this guide to adjust your PWM.
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AMD Socket – AM4, AM3(+), FM1/2(+)
Cooler Orientation
* Some mechanical interference with surrounding components may appear. The fan will not be controllable by PWM.
To get the best out of your cooler, it is recommended to adjust the fan speed control in the BIOS, follow this guide to adjust your PWM.
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